Why is foot hygiene so important? Well for starters, your feet do the hardest work compared to any other part pf the body. They carry your weight for most of the day, while athletes and sportsmen take it even further by using their feet frequently for running, jumping, sidestepping and so on. In brief, your feet are subjected to tough working conditions that promote significant wear, tear and poor health. You need to look out for them using the following the tips:

Keep Your Feet Clean

The first step to ensuring good health for your feet is by keeping them clean. Wash your feet everyday using warm water and mild soap that is friendly to the skin. Harsh soap is likely to strip the moisture of the skin and irritate it. Hot water can also have the same detrimental effects on your feet and you should avoid using it at all costs. When washing your feet, remember to scrub between and underneath the toes thoroughly. These sections are prone to fungal infections.

Keep Your Feet Dry

In most cases, fungi attack human feet because of the warm environment caused by footwear and presence of moisture. After cleaning, you must dry your feet thoroughly with a clean towel or cloth. Tuck the towel underneath and between your toes to absorb any droplets of moisture. Leave your feet out in the air and avoid wearing tightly fitting footwear immediately after drying them.

Use Talcum Powder

Dry as your feet may be, you cannot prevent the natural accumulation of sweat when you put on shoes. This is why you should talcum or medicinal powder to keep your feet dry all the time. Apply the powder generously in areas that are prone profuse sweating, that is, the areas between and underneath the toes.

Give the Footwear a Break!

Shoes and other types of footwear are good for your feet are good for your feet. However, as the adage goes, too much of everything is poisonous. It is only a matter of time before you start realising the negative effects of wearing stuff over your feet all the time. Whenever you have the chance, give the footwear a break and air your feet regularly to lower the risk of fungal and other infections. Constant cover on your feet leaves at risk of smell, itchiness and dampness. Additionally, make sure that any footwear you use fits you well to prevent blisters.  
